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Saturday 1 October 2011

Thomas Foley Interview Part 3.

Favourite 90s dance records non react.

Oh so many; Yello The Race,

Favourite records released on React?

I personally liked about 80% of our releases. James pioneered the Dope on Plastic, Bonkers and D&B releases which were not genres I had a feel for.

Which is your favourite Reactivate mix? And why?

Ia it true that when Mrs Wood was pregnant you bought her a special chair for her in the DJ booth at Garage?

No. She's a strong Yorkshire lass!

Age of Love - Stella mix. Is this one of the greatest records of all time? Also, one of the greatest mixes of all time? How did this remix come about?

I first heard the Boeing mix being played by Marc Andrews at Heaven (who I used to manage) and thought it could be interesting to remix. I contacted Mark Spoon who also said it was one of his favourite tracks and he would like to remix it. I went to Mayday in Cologne with GTO who were performing at Mayday and collected the DAT at the event from Mark Spoon and stuffed in my pocket, then went to Amsyterdam to stay with Jeroen from Fierce Ruling Diva and heard it on his sound system for the first time. Sounded good however not until we cut an acitate and heard it in the club did I realise how big a track it would be. Its a song witten by 2 Italians, signed to a Belgian label, Diki, remixed by 2 Germans and then released on a Brit label - truly a European dance record.

Do you listen to any 90s dance music today?

The last track I listened to was Jam and Spoon Follow Me on You Tube - still awesome

I seem to remember that React did some nights in Ibiza. Is this correct? If so where was it, who played and was it a success?

We had a React night in Pasha I think in 95 and went back the following year as guests of Manumission, which was a relationship which did not work out.

Any funny stories you feel like sharing?

The greatest laughs at the label were when Steven Doherty joined as the tea boy. His excuses for not coming into work on Monday's were legendary. He then went onto fame and fortune as a dj using the moniker Steven React and then The Sharp Boys.

The Reactivate series had a very strong graphic image. Which was your favourite cover and why?

I think Reactivate 9 with the shark and alarmed little fish. This was designed by the wonderful people at Designers Republic with a lot of input from me. I suggested the little fish which added an extra dimension. The picture was later used for the cover of a corporate report about the food industry and the big fish (supermarkets) gobbling up the smaller retailers. We has lots of fun choosing the sea critters. One witty comment at the time of Reactivate 10 was "have your got a case of the Reactivate 10's?" meaning crabs!

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